This is entry is a partial repost of a message I posted to Oracle's Berkeley DB JE Forum. The forum software does not allow for the proper formatting of source code and I personally hate reading unformatted source code. Therefore, I have reposted it here so people like me can't read the code right off the page.
The code
import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet; public class CrushPunyJE { private static final int NUM_DOMAINS = 1000; private static final int RECIPIENTS_PER_DOMAIN = 1000; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { crush(new File(args[0])); } private static void crush(File envHome) throws Exception { MyDbI dbi = MyDbI.openToFill(envHome); Cursor queue = dbi.queue().openCursor(null, null); Cursor recipients = dbi.recipients.openCursor(null, null); Cursor unsent = dbi.unsent.openCursor(null, null); DatabaseEntry ename = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry dname = new DatabaseEntry(); try { Random rand = new Random(); byte[] buff = new byte[512]; for (int a = 0; a < NUM_DOMAINS; a++) { rand.nextBytes(buff); dname.setData(buff); for (int z = 0; z < RECIPIENTS_PER_DOMAIN; z++) { rand.nextBytes(buff); ename.setData(buff); if (OperationStatus.SUCCESS == unsent.putNoDupData(dname, ename)) { recipients.put(dname, ename); queue.put(dname, ename); } else z--; } } } finally { for (Cursor c : new Cursor[]{recipients, unsent, queue}) { try { c.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } dbi.close(); } final MyDbI dbi2 =; final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { Evictor evil = (Evictor)getField(getField(dbi2.env(), "environmentImpl"), "evictor"); while (true) { evil.runOrPause(true); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.setDaemon(true); t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); dbi2.clearQueue().sync(); dbi2.close(); } private static Object getField(Object o, String fieldName) { Field field = getField(o.getClass(), fieldName); if (null == field) throw new AssertionError("Field '" + fieldName + "' not found."); else { try { return field.get(o); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new AssertionError("IllegalAccessException thrown while accessing: ".concat(fieldName)); } } } private static Field getField(Class co, String name) { for (Class stop = Object.class; co != stop; co = co.getSuperclass()) { for (Field field : co.getDeclaredFields()) { if (name.equals(field.getName())) { field.setAccessible(true); return field; } } } return null; } //====================================================================================================================// //====================================== Inner Class Definitions Start Here ==========================================// //====================================================================================================================// private static class MyDbI { /** * A small cache of prime numbers. */ private static final IntOpenHashSet PRIMES = new IntOpenHashSet(); /** * The maximum number of lock tables. */ private static final int MAX_LOCK_TABLES = 523; /** * The databases. */ public final Database recipients, unsent; /** * The delivery queue. */ private static final String QUEUE_DB = "queue"; /** * The database name of the unsent recipients. */ private static final String UNSENT_DB = "unsent"; /** * The database name for the recipient list database. */ private static final String RECIP_DB = "recipients"; private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 1024 << 10 << 4; public Database queue; /** * The database environment object. */ private final Environment env; private final boolean dw, readonly; private MyDbI(File home, EnvironmentConfig ecfg, DatabaseConfig dbc) throws DatabaseException { dw = dbc.getDeferredWrite(); readonly = dbc.getReadOnly(); dbc.setSortedDuplicates(true); env = new Environment(home, ecfg); Transaction txn = ecfg.getTransactional() ? env.beginTransaction(null, null) : null; if (dbc.getAllowCreate()) { queue = env.openDatabase(txn, QUEUE_DB, dbc); unsent = env.openDatabase(txn, UNSENT_DB, dbc); recipients = env.openDatabase(txn, RECIP_DB, dbc); } else { Listnames = env.getDatabaseNames(); queue = names.contains(QUEUE_DB) ? env.openDatabase(txn, QUEUE_DB, dbc) : null; unsent = names.contains(UNSENT_DB) ? env.openDatabase(txn, UNSENT_DB, dbc) : null; recipients = names.contains(RECIP_DB) ? env.openDatabase(txn, RECIP_DB, dbc) : null; } if (null != txn) txn.commit(); } /** * @return The Environment object that backs this DbI. */ public Environment env() { return env; } /** * Get the queue database. * * @return The queue database. */ public synchronized Database queue() { return queue; } public synchronized MyDbI clearQueue() throws DatabaseException { DatabaseConfig config = queue.getConfig(); queue.close(); env.truncateDatabase(null, QUEUE_DB, false); queue = env.openDatabase(null, QUEUE_DB, config); return this; } /** * Synchronizes {@link #unsent} with {@link #queue}. * * @return this * * @throws DatabaseException If there is a database error. */ public synchronized MyDbI sync() throws DatabaseException { if (readonly) throw new IllegalStateException("read-only mode"); DatabaseEntry k = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry v = new DatabaseEntry(); Cursor uc = unsent.openCursor(null, null); try { if (dw) { while (OperationStatus.SUCCESS == uc.getNext(k, v, null)) if (OperationStatus.SUCCESS != queue.putNoDupData(null, k, v)) assert false : "Duplicate email addresses not allowed in queue."; } else { boolean commit = false; Transaction txn = env.beginTransaction(null, null); try { Cursor qc = queue.openCursor(txn, null); try { while (OperationStatus.SUCCESS == uc.getNext(k, v, null)) if (OperationStatus.SUCCESS != qc.putNoDupData(k, v)) assert false : "Duplicate email addresses not allowed in queue."; commit = true; } finally { qc.close(); } } finally { if (commit) txn.commit(); else txn.abort(); } } } finally { uc.close(); } return this; } /** * Synchronizes {@link #unsent} with {@link #queue}. * * @return this * * @throws DatabaseException If there is a database error. */ public synchronized MyDbI sync2() throws DatabaseException { if (readonly) throw new IllegalStateException("read-only mode"); DatabaseEntry k = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry v = new DatabaseEntry(); Cursor uc = unsent.openCursor(null, null); try { if (dw) { while (OperationStatus.SUCCESS == uc.getNext(k, v, null)) if (OperationStatus.SUCCESS != queue.putNoDupData(null, k, v)) assert false : "Duplicate email addresses not allowed in queue."; } else { boolean commit = false; Transaction txn = env.beginTransaction(null, null); try { Cursor qc = queue.openCursor(txn, null); try { for (int x = 0; OperationStatus.SUCCESS == uc.getNext(k, v, null);) { if (OperationStatus.SUCCESS != qc.putNoDupData(k, v)) assert false : "Duplicate email addresses not allowed in queue."; commit = true; if (++x == 1000) { x = 0; commit = false; qc.close(); txn.commit(); txn = env.beginTransaction(null, null); qc = queue.openCursor(txn, null); } } } finally { qc.close(); } } finally { if (commit) txn.commit(); else txn.abort(); } } } finally { uc.close(); } return this; } /** * Closes the databases and environment. */ public synchronized void close() { try { for (Database db : new Database[]{unsent, unsent, recipients}) db.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { env.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Use when populating the databases. * * @param home The home directory of the blast. * * @return An environment optimized for single threaded write only access. * * @throws DatabaseException If there is a problem opening the databases or the database environment. */ public static MyDbI openToFill(File home) throws DatabaseException { DatabaseConfig dcfg = new DatabaseConfig(); dcfg.setAllowCreate(true); dcfg.setDeferredWrite(true); return new MyDbI(home, getFillConfig(), dcfg); } /** * Use for normal blast database access. * * @param home The home directory of the blast. * * * @throws DatabaseException If there is a problem opening the databases or the database environment. */ public static MyDbI open(File home) throws DatabaseException { DatabaseConfig config = new DatabaseConfig(); config.setAllowCreate(true); config.setTransactional(true); return new MyDbI(home, getDefaultConfig(), config); } /** * @return The number of lock tables based on the number of CPUs. */ public static int getLockTableSize() { int cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); if (cpus < 4) return 1; for (cpus = Math.min(MAX_LOCK_TABLES, cpus); cpus > 0 && !PRIMES.contains(cpus);) cpus--; return Math.max(1, cpus); } /** * Creates a new EnvironmentConfig object suitable for single threaded, write intensive access. * * @return An EnvironmentConfig object suitable for a single write only thread. */ private static EnvironmentConfig getFillConfig() { EnvironmentConfig config = getNormalConfig(); config.setCacheSize(1024 << 10 << 4); config.setAllowCreate(true); config.setLocking(false); return config; } /** * Creates a new com.sleepycat.dbi.EnvironmentConfig object suitable for normal data access patterns. * * @return An com.sleepycat.dbi.EnvironmentConfig object suitable for normal data access patterns. */ private static EnvironmentConfig getNormalConfig() { EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig(); config.setConfigParam("je.log.faultReadSize", "4096"); config.setConfigParam("je.lock.nLockTables", Integer.toString(getLockTableSize())); return config; } /** * Configures an environment for normal transactional access. * * @return A configuration for normal transactional access. */ private static EnvironmentConfig getDefaultConfig() { EnvironmentConfig ecfg = getNormalConfig(); ecfg.setCacheSize(CACHE_SIZE); ecfg.setTransactional(true); ecfg.setTxnNoSync(true); return ecfg; } static { PRIMES.add(2); PRIMES.add(3); PRIMES.add(5); PRIMES.add(7); PRIMES.add(11); PRIMES.add(13); PRIMES.add(17); PRIMES.add(19); PRIMES.add(23); PRIMES.add(29); PRIMES.add(31); PRIMES.add(37); PRIMES.add(41); PRIMES.add(43); PRIMES.add(47); PRIMES.add(53); PRIMES.add(59); PRIMES.add(61); PRIMES.add(67); PRIMES.add(71); PRIMES.add(73); PRIMES.add(79); PRIMES.add(83); PRIMES.add(89); PRIMES.add(97); PRIMES.add(101); PRIMES.add(103); PRIMES.add(107); PRIMES.add(109); PRIMES.add(113); PRIMES.add(127); PRIMES.add(131); PRIMES.add(137); PRIMES.add(139); PRIMES.add(149); PRIMES.add(151); PRIMES.add(157); PRIMES.add(163); PRIMES.add(167); PRIMES.add(173); PRIMES.add(179); PRIMES.add(181); PRIMES.add(191); PRIMES.add(193); PRIMES.add(197); PRIMES.add(199); PRIMES.add(229); PRIMES.add(241); PRIMES.add(241); PRIMES.add(241); PRIMES.add(271); PRIMES.add(283); PRIMES.add(283); PRIMES.add(313); PRIMES.add(313); PRIMES.add(313); PRIMES.add(349); PRIMES.add(349); PRIMES.add(349); PRIMES.add(349); PRIMES.add(421); PRIMES.add(433); PRIMES.add(463); PRIMES.add(463); PRIMES.add(463); PRIMES.add(523); PRIMES.trim(); } } }